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English Department Anniversary: Celebrating 125 Years

Buchpräsentation: Kompass zur Altersbelletristik der Gegenwart

Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 - 6.30 p.m.

Place: PLH-102, Plattenstrasse 47

Ein interdisziplinäres Projekt an der Schnittstelle zwischen Literaturwissenschaft und Altersarbeit -- lic. phil. Rahel Rivera & Dieter Sulzer (Pro Senectute)

"Der 'Kompass' liest sich ausgezeichnet und enthält kostbare Anregungen zur Vertiefung." Hildegard Elisabeth Keller, Literaturkritikerin (Literaturclub SRF) und Professorin (Indiana University Bloomington, Universität Zürich)

Event Report

On 23 February, around 30 people attended our presentation of the “Projekt Altersbelletristik”, which aims to foster the interface between literature and gerontology. Dieter Sulzer, Director of the Pro Senectute Library, informed about the project and the reasons why eldercare can greatly benefit from the study of literature. His introduction was followed by Rahel Rivera’s presentation of her book Kompass zur Altersbelletristik der Gegenwart and her analysis of old age autobiography. The audience was made up of members of the English Department, senior health care professionals, and interested elders themselves, who all contributed to a lively discussion of the presented topics.

lic. phil. Rahel Rivera, 31.03.2016

Weiterführende Informationen

Kompass zur Altersbelletristik der Gegenwart

Kompass zur Altersbelletristik der Gegenwart

by lic. phil. Rahel Rivera

To order the book, please visit the Pro Senectute Shop.