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English Department ZEN Corpus

ZEN Zurich English Newspaper Corpus

The ZEN corpus covers early English newspapers published between 1661 and 1791. It documents newspapers as an emerging genre from the early issues of The London Gazette up to the period of the first publication of The Times. The corpus consists of 349 complete newspaper issues containing 1.6 million words that were keyed in manually.

The CD-Rom contains two TEI conformant XML versions encoded in UTF-8 and ASCII. It also contains a text-only version intended for use with software that is not XML-aware. With the CD-Rom and the electronic distribution you will also get limited access to ZEN-Online, a web-based system for searching the corpus.

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Hans Martin Lehmann
Universität Zürich
Englisches Seminar
Plattenstrasse 47
8032 Zürich