General Manager: Dr. Nicole Studer-Joho
Assistant to the General Manager: Dr. Stella Castelli
Advising of Studies: Dr. Olivia Tjon-A-Meeuw
Study Abroad Coordination: Nathalie Meyer, M.A.
Department Office (Secretary): Angelika Kapfer, M.A.
Department Library
Department IT Coordination

General Manager
(Personnel & Finance)
Dr. Nicole Studer-Joho (Tue, Thu, Fri)
Personnel: Head of HR, coordination of job advertisments/applications
Finance: budget control
Communication: media, internal information flow
Strategic planning: academic report, evaluations; coordination with Faculty and the various bodies of the Department; organisation and Institutsversammlung
Substitution for Stella Castelli (personnel, finance)

Assistant to the General Manager
Dr. Stella Castelli
- Personnel: Contact person for personel related questions, external teaching contracts
- Finance: Contact person for finance related questions
- Third party funds: Coordination and management fo third party funds
- Communication: update of mailing lists in MS Teams
- Teaching: support for online exam
Substitution for Nicole Studer-Joho (personnel, finance)
Academic Administration
(Advising of Studies, Course and Grade Administration)
Dr. Olivia Tjon-A-Meeuw
- Advising of Studies: advising of studies
- Course administration: course descriptions, booking of rooms, number and list of participants, entering of grades
- Student administration: evaluation of Lehrdiplom applications; changes in booking and cancellation; transfer of credit (new UZH students)
- Archive: Filing of exam sheets of compulsory courses
- Infrastructure: organization of maintenance work
- Info events: Erstsemestrigentrag and Studieninfotag
- Exam administration: Master Final Exams
- Website: Update of "Studies" part, news items
- student administration: evaluation of Master applications
Substitution for Nicole Studer-Joho (management, teaching/students) and Nathalie Meyer (study abroad coordination)

Academic Administration
(Study Abroad Coordination)
Nathalie Meyer, M.A.
Study abroad coordination
Advising of in- and outbound students
Transfer of credit
Negotiating new exchange agreements
Staff mobility
Teaching: coordination of planning
Teaching: collection of announcement sheets, planning and scheduling
Substitution for Martin Mühlheim (advising of studies).

Secretary's Office
Angelika Kapfer, M.A.
- Secretarial office
- Coordination of general student and external queries
- Administration: update addresses, tutorials, order of office material, keys
- Exam administration: coordination of FachexpertInnen Lehrdiplom, coordination Reading List exam
- Infrastructure: furniture
- Finance: payment of invoices and expenses, cash management, Climate Smart Travel
- Communication: update info booklet and staff poster" and "Website: update staff info, news items
Department Library
lic. phil. Nikola Leudolph
Dr. Anja Neukom-Herrmann
Department IT Coordination
Dr. Hans Martin Lehrmann
lic. oec. Roland Lerch
IT Coordination