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English Department

Alan Mattli

Alan Mattli, Dr.

  • Teaching and Research Assistant in English Literature
  • Assistant Prof. Dr. Michael C. Frank
+41 44 634 36 71


Alan Mattli is a teaching and research assistant in English Literature, working at Prof. Dr. Michael C. Frank's Chair of English Literatures of the 19th and 20th Centuries.

His postdoctoral project with the working title The American Century in Retrospect investigates 21st-century retronarratives of the so-called "American Century," the post-World War II period of American hegemony between the 1940s and the mid-1970s. Taking as its starting point the observation that a U.S.-centric global culture still finds itself firmly in the thrall of the mid-twentieth century, the project aims to sketch a pop-cultural 21st-century history of the American Century: how do these modern-day retrofictions – be they cinematic, televisual, or literary in nature – retell and refigure existing historical narratives with the benefit of historical hindsight? How do they engage with the historical and cultural moment of the American Century? And how does their engagement reflect on their 21st-century U.S. production context?

Alan Mattli received a PhD in English Literature from the University of Zurich in 2023. His dissertation, entitled "The Conservative Mystery Lover Will Object": Revisionist Crime Fiction in the U.S., offers an illustrative analysis of post-war American crime fiction as a key theatre of postmodern literature, identifying its seemingly disparate subgenres as an internally and ideologically coherent rebuttal to traditional detective fiction in the Sherlock Holmes mold.

Alan Mattli also holds a BA in English Literature and Linguistics, Film Studies, and Swiss History as well as an MA in English Literature and Linguistics and Film Studies, both from the University of Zurich.

In addition to his academic activities, Alan Mattli also works as a freelance film and cultural critic. In 2024, he was awarded the Prix Pathé in Cinema Journalism for his review of Wes Anderson's Asteroid City.

Research Interests

  • Crime fiction
  • Postmodernism
  • 20th-century literature
  • The American Century
  • Retronarratives
  • Adaptation
  • Intermediality
  • Film studies
  • Horror fiction and film
  • Video game studies


Spring 2024 Queer Theory (BA seminar, co-taught with Dr. Olivia Tjon-A-Meeuw)
Autumn 2023 The American Century in Retrospect (BA seminar)
Spring 2023 Adaptation (BA seminar)
Autumn 2022 Postmodern Aesthetics (BA seminar)
Spring 2021 Revisionist Crime Fiction in the U.S. (BA Seminar)
Spring 2020–present Supervision of BA theses
Autumn 2019 "Under Siege from Within": American Horror Fiction and Film (BA seminar)
Autumn 2018–present Examiner and invigilator for Reading List oral exams
Autumn 2018–present English Literature: Textual Analysis (introductory module, 2 semesters)


Forthcoming: Mattli, Alan. "Reading Thomas Pynchon's The Crying of Lot 49 as Crime Fiction." Studies in American Fiction.

Forthcoming: Mattli, Alan. "'Where the City Started and the Suburbs Ended': The (Sub)urban Confinement of Post-Industrial America in David Robert Mitchell’s It Follows." Narratives of Confinement in American Popular Culture, edited by Firuze Güzel, De Gruyter, Anglia Book Series.

Mattli, Alan. "'They Weren't All Fakes': Feminist Crime Fiction as an 'Authentic Copy' in Marcia Muller's Edwin of the Iron Shoes." Crime Fiction, Femininities and Masculinities: Proceedings of the Eighth Captivating Criminality Conference, edited by Kerstin-Anja Münderlein, U of Bamberg P, 2024, pp. 102–113.

Mattli, Alan. Review of Noir Fiction and Film: Diversions and Misdirections, by Lee Clark Mitchell. Crime Fiction Studies, vol. 4, no. 1, 2023, pp. 136–139.

Mattli, Alan. "Policing the Border in Lucas Pope's Computer Game Papers, Please." Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature, vol. 41, 2022, pp. 99–117.

Academic Talks

Upcoming: 26–30 August 2024. "Murderous Slapstick: Humour in Chester Himes' The Real Cool Killers. ESSE Conference 2024, University of Lausanne.

27–29 June. "The Last Detective: Disassembling a Genre Through Historiographic Metafiction in Joyce Carol Oates' Mysteries of Winterthurn." Captivating Criminality 11, Esterházy Károly Catholic University, Eger.

7–8 June. "V. I. Warshawski and the Problematics of Feminist Detection." Women and Crime Fiction, University of Zurich.

14–16 May 2024. "Processes of Adaptation in Werner Herzog's America." Literature, Cinema, and the Transatlantic Dimensions of Adaptation between Mitteleuropa and the U.S., Ca'Foscari University of Venice.

9–11 May 2024. "Visualising the Colonisation of the Arctic in Zacharias Kunuk's One Day in the Life of Noah Piugattuk." GAPS Conference 2024, University of Zurich.

16 November 2022. "Postmodernism and American Literature." Guest lecture in the lecture course Modernism, Postmodernism, and Popular Modernism, taught by Dr. Thomas Keller, University of Zurich.

29 August–2 September 2022. "Men, Women, and Children: Gendered Violence in Sara Paretsky's Indemnity Only." ESSE Conference 2022, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz.

30 June–2 July 2022. "'They Weren't All Fakes': Feminist Crime Fiction as an 'Authentic Copy' in Marcia Muller's Edwin of the Iron Shoes." Captivating Criminality 8, University of Bamberg.

14–15 October 2021. "The (Sub)urban Horrors of Post-Industrial America in David Robert Mitchell's It Follows." FRINGE/ALUS Symposium, University of Alcalá, Madrid/Online.

14–15 May 2021. "Policing Borders in Lucas Pope's Computer Game Papers, Please." SAUTE Conference 2021, University of Zurich/Online.

20–23 February 2019. "'Deeply Marked with All Bestiality and Cruelty': Challenging Detective Fiction's Racialised Others." SWPACA Conference 2019, Albuquerque, New Mexico.


7–8 June 2024. Women and Crime Fiction. Workshop organised with Dr. Olivia Tjon-A-Meeuw, English Department, University of Zurich.

9–11 May 2024. Assistance to Prof. Dr. Michael C. Frank and Prof. Dr. Johannes Riquet in the organisation of the 2024 GAPS Conference, University of Zurich.

Spring semester 2023. Co-organisation of the lecture course Lecture Series in English Studies: Space, University of Zurich (with Prof. Dr. Michael C. Frank and Dr. Olivia Tjon-A-Meeuw).

8–9 November 2019. Assistance of Prof. Dr. Michael C. Frank and Dr. Maria Flood in the organisation of the conference The Figure of the Terrorist in Literature, Film and Media, University of Zurich.

Academic Service

Outreach and General Media

"Kathryn Bigelow und Michael Mann: Die Menschen in der Maschine." Programme essay for Kino Xenix, July/August 2024.

"Alice Diop shares her views on the future of cinema on a grand tour of Switzerland." Swissinfo, 13 Apr. 2024.

May December. SVFJ panel discussion with Denise Bucher. Houdini, Zurich, 25 Feb. 2024.

"The Swiss film harvest for 2024: taking stock of migration and the right to protest." Swissinfo, 11 Feb. 2024.

"Las Toreras grabs Spanish-Swiss tragedy by the horns." Swissinfo, 1 Dec. 2023.

"Zurich Film Festival's balancing act: #DontRockTheBoat." Swissinfo, 3 Oct. 2023

"Documentary shows the concrete reality of Le Corbusier’s Indian utopia." Swissinfo, 31 Aug. 2023.

"Die Kunst der niederschwelligen Unterhaltung." Maximum Cinema, 14 Aug. 2023.

"Radu Jude and the joys of making a cinema masterpiece." With Eduardo Simantob, Swissinfo, 13 Aug. 2023.

"Betreibst du noch Filmkritik oder influenct du schon?" Locarno Film Festival panel discussion with Annina Hasler, Stephan Henz, Monika Schärer, and Sebastian Seidler. Spacio Cinema, Locarno, 4 Aug. 2023.

The Lighthouse. Screening introduction for KinoKonkav. Stadtkino, Basel, 23 May 2023.

"This Brunner, Hollywood’s best Swiss friend, shares star-studded memories." Swissinfo, 15 May 2023.

"Agnès Varda." Screening introduction for Poolkino. Neubad, Lucerne, 8 Mar. 2023.

"Schottland." Screening introduction for Poolkino. Neubad, Lucerne, 11 Jan. 2023.

"Queer Cinema." Screening introduction for Poolkino. Neubad, Lucerne, 14 Dec. 2022.

"What chansonnier Mani Matter can (still) tell us about Switzerland." Swissinfo, 24 Nov. 2022.

"Swiss myths fall apart at the Zurich Film Festival." Swissinfo, 2 Oct. 2022.

Jackie. Screening introduction for Poolkino. Neubad, Lucerne, 15 June 2022.

"Waiting as an act of resistance: six films by Nicolas Wadimoff." Swissinfo, 23 May 2022.

"Zweiteiler." Screening introduction for Poolkino. Neubad, Lucerne, 27 Apr. 2022.

"Black Spider: horror made in Switzerland." Swissinfo, 19 Apr. 2022.

"The (Hi)stories of Cinema: Film Analysis in Practice." Project day talk for high school students. Kantonsschule Zürcher Oberland, Wetzikon, 10 Mar. 2022.

"Filme der Grossstadt." Screening introduction for Poolkino. Neubad, Lucerne, 20 Jan. 2022.

"Thomas Imbach, a filmmaker unafraid of masculinity." Swissinfo, 22 Nov. 2021.

"Spaghettiwestern." Screening introduction for Poolkino. Neubad, Lucerne, 17 Nov. 2021.

"Growing pains: Zurich Film Festival turns 17." Swissinfo, 28 Sep. 2021.

"Locarno shows the two faces of Swiss cinema." Swissinfo, 10 Aug. 2021.

The Father. SVFJ panel discussion with Christoph Schelb and Selim Petersen. Kosmos, Zurich, 27 June 2021.

The Simpsons. Screening introduction for Poolkino. Neubad, Lucerne, 9 Jan. 2019.

"Scarlett Johansson." Screening introduction for Poolkino. Neubad, Lucerne, 14 Nov. 2018.

"Queer Romance." Screening introduction for Poolkino. Neubad, Lucerne, 14 Feb. 2018.

"Im Kino-Konzert." Frame, Feb. 2018.

"Da staunt Hollywood Bauklötze." NZZ am Sonntag, 19 Feb. 2017.

"Games erobern die Leinwand." Frame, Nov. 2016.

"Animationsfilm." Screening introduction for Poolkino. Neubad, Lucerne, 9 Mar. 2016.

"Bill Murray." Screening introduction for Poolkino. Neubad, Lucerne, 14 Oct. 2015.

"Martin Scorsese." Screening introduction for Poolkino. Neubad, Lucerne, 25 Feb. 2015.