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Udo Fries, born 1942, studied at the University of Vienna "Anglistik" and "Germanistik" and finished his studies in 1966 with a dissertation on the language of medieval mystery plays. From 1966 to 1974 he worked as an assistant at the "Institut für Anglistik an der Universität Wien". His "Habilitation" in 1973 was on a textlinguistic analysis of modern English plays. In 1974 he was appointed professor of English Language and Literature at the University of Innsbruck. From 1977 until his retirement in 2007 he was "Ordinarius für Englische Sprachwissenschaft" at the University of Zurich. From 1977 until his retirement in 2007 he was "Ordinarius für Englische Sprachwissenschaft" at the University of Zurich.
During the last couple of years he has concentrated on work in computer corpus linguistics, producing a newspaper corpus of 17th- and 18th-century English newspapers.
Udo Fries was for many years on the board of ICAME, the International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English, he organized their annual meeting in 1992 in Zürich. He was Dean of the "Philosophische Fakultät" from 1996 to 1998 and was one of the vice-presidents ("Prorektor Lehre") of the University of Zurich from 1998 to 2004.
Fries, Udo. 1968. Zur Syntax der Chester Plays. Dissertationen der Universität Wien, 6. Wien: Notring.
-- 1975. Studien zur Textlinguistik. Frage- und Antwortsätze. Eine Analyse an neuenglischen Dramentexten. 76. Studien zur Englischen Philologie. Wien: Braumüller.
-- 1976. Grundzüge der altenglischen Syntax, Teil 3 in Hans Pinsker, Altenglisches Studienbuch, unter Mitarbeit von Udo Fries und Peter Bierbaumer. Studienreihe Englisch, 10. Düsseldorf und Bern: Bagel und Francke.
-- 1985. Einführung in die Sprache Chaucers: Phonologie, Metrik und Morphologie. 20. Anglistische Arbeitshefte. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer.
-- 1998. Choosaa no gengo nyumon. oní in-ron, inritsu-ron, keitai-ron. (Japanese Translation of: Einführung in die Sprache Chaucers: Phonologie, Metrik und Morphologie. Translated by Akio Oizumi.)
Fries, Udo. 1968. "Demonstrativum und bestimmter Artikel." Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 69: 209-222.
-- 1969. "Iris Murdoch: Under the Net. Ein Beitrag zur Erzähltechnik im Ich-Roman." Die Neueren Sprachen 18, 449-459.
-- 1970. "Zum historischen Präsens im modernen englischen Roman." Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift 51: 321-338.
-- 1971. "Textlinguistik." Linguistik und Didaktik 7: 219-34.
-- 1971. "Präsens und yesterday. Ein Beitrag zu Tempusgebrauch und Adverbialsyntax." Folia Linguistica 5: 83-100.
-- 1973. "Zum Thema Stilistik und Textlinguistik." In: Festschrift Prof. Dr. Herbert Koziol zum siebzigsten Geburtstag. Wiener Beiträge zur Englischen Philologie, 75. ed. by Franz K. Stanzel und Franz Zaic Gero Bauer. Wien, Stuttgart: Wilhelm Braumüller, 74-86.
-- 1975. "Linguistics and the Teaching of English." ATESOL, Second Language Acquisition and Maintenance. World Views, Dublin: ATESOL - Ireland, 40-52.
-- 1976. "Topics and problems in 'dialogue-linguistics'." Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 7: 7-15.
-- 1978. "On a Typology of Answers." In: Proceedings of the Twelth International Congress of Linguists, Vienna 1977. Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft. ed. by Wolfgang U. Dressler and Wolfgang Meid. Innsbruck: University, 528-532.
-- 1979. "Zur Grammatik von ëthereí am Balladenanfang." In: Festgabe für Hans Pinsker zum 70. Geburtstag, Wien: VWGÖ, 58-77.
-- 1981. "Zur Kongruenz bei Kollektiven." In: Europäische Mehrsprachigkeit, Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Mario Wandruszka, ed. by Wolfgang Pöckl. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 19-27.
-- 1982. "Vom Grüssen im älteren Englisch." Klagenfurter Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft 8: 104-119.
-- 1983. "BE PREPARED: Textlinguistik." In: Modern Drama and Society, ed. by Hans Jürgen Diller. anglistik und englischunterricht 20: 169-179.
-- 1983. "Diachronic Textlinguistics." In: Proceedings of the XIIIth International Congress of Linguists, August 29 - September 4, 1982. ed. by Shiro Hattori et al. Tokyo: 1013 - 1015.
-- 1984. "Theme and Rheme Revisited." In: Models of Interpretation. Essays presented to Ernst Leisi on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. ed. by Richard J. Watts and Urs Weidmann. Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik, 260. Tübingen: Narr, 177-192.
-- 1986. "A Textlinguistic Analysis of German and English Curricula Vitae." In: Linguistics across Historical and Geographical Boundaries: In Honour of Jacek Fisiak on the Occasion of His Fiftieth Birthday. ed. by Dieter Kastovsky and Aleksander Szwedek. Trends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs, 32. 2. 1203-17.
-- 1986. "Bemerkungen zur Textsorte Lebenslauf". In: A Yearbook of Studies in English Language and Literature 1985/86. Festschrift für Siegfried Korninger, ed. by Otto Rauchbauer. Wiener Beiträge zur Englischen Philologie 80: 39-50.
-- 1987. "Summaries in Newspapers: A Textlinguistic Investigation." In: The Structure of Texts, SPELL, Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature, 3. ed. by Udo Fries. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 47-63.
-- 1988. "Karl Luick on syntax." In: Luick Revisited: Papers read at the Luick-Symposium at Schloss Liechtenstein, 15.-18.9.1985. Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik 288. ed. by Dieter Kastovsky and Gero BauerÜ in collaboration with Jacek Fisiak. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 79-94.
-- 1988. "The use of computers in English linguistics." In: Historical English: On the occasion of Karl Brunner's 100th birthday. Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft, Anglistische Reihe, 1. ed. by Manfred Markus. Innsbruck, 45-62.
-- 1989. "The Crew Have Abandoned The Ship. Concord with collective nouns revisited." Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 13: 99-104.
-- 1989. "Historical Aspects of the Study of Old English Syntax." In: The History and the Dialects of English: Festschrift for Eduard Kolb. Anglistische Forschungen, 203. ed. by Andreas Fischer. Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 33-44.
-- 1990. "A contrastive analysis of German and English death notices." In: Further Insights into Contrastive analysis. ed. by Jacek Fisiak. Linguistic and Literary Studies in Eastern Europe. 30. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 539-560.
-- 1990. "Two Hundred Years of English Death Notices." In: On Strangeness. ed. by Margaret Bridges. SPELL. Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature, 5. Tübingen: Gunter Narr, 57-71.
-- 1991. "Question-answer sequences in Old English." In: Historical English Syntax. ed. by Dieter Kastovsky. Topics in English Linguistics, 2. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 189-201.
-- 1991. "The Language of Linguists: Objective and Subjective Writing." In: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress of Linguists, Berlin/GDR, August 10-August 15, 1987. III,. ed. by Werner Bahner et al. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 2077-2079.
-- 1991. "Linguistic Writing." In: Anglistentag 1990 Marburg: Proceedings. ed. by Claus Uhlig and Rüdiger Zimmermann. Proceedings of the Conference of the German Association of University Professors of English, 12. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 232-53.
-- 1993. "The Comparison of Monosyllabic Adjectives." In: The Noun Phrase in English, Its Structure and Variability. ed. by Andreas H. Jucker. anglistik & englischunterricht 49. ed. by Hans-Jürgen Diller et al. Heidelberg: C. Winter, 25-44.
-- 1994. "ZEN - Zurich English Newspaper Corpus." In: Corpora Across the Centuries: Proceedings of the First International Colloquium on English Diachronic Corpora. St Catherine´s College, Cambridge, 25-27 March 1993. ed. by Merja Kytö, Matti Rissanen, and Susan Wright. Language and Computers: Studies in Practical Linguistics 11. ed. by Jan Aarts and Willem Meijs. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 17-18.
-- 1994. "Text deixis in Early Modern English." In: Studies in Early Modern English. ed. by Dieter Kastovsky. Topics in English Linguistics, 13. ed. by Herman Wekker. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 111-128.
-- 1994. "Towards a Description of Text Deixis in Old English." In: Anglo-Saxonica. Hans Schabram zum 65. Geburtstag. ed. by Klaus R. Grinda and Claus-Dieter Wetzel. München: Wilhelm Fink, 527-540.
-- 1996. "Textlinguistik." In: Be Prepared. Spezialgebiete und Vorbereitungsstrategien für die Prüfungen der Anglistik/Amerikanistik. ed. by Gerd Stratmann. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 39-50.
-- 1997. "The vocabulary of ZEN: Implications for the compilation of a corpus". In: Tracing the Trail of Time. Proceedings from the Second Diachronic Corpora Workshop. Ed. by Raymond Hickey, Merja Kytö, Ian Lancashire, and Matti Rissanen. Language and Computers: Studies in Practical Linguistics 18. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 153-166.
-- 1997. "Preface" and "Introducttion." In: From Ælfric to the New York Times. Studies in English Corpus Linguistics. Ed. by Udo Fries, Viviane Müller and Peter Schneider. Language and Computers: Studies in Practical Linguistics 19. Amsterdam: Rodopi, i - vi.
-- 1997. "Electuarium Mirabile: praise in 18th-century medical advertisements." In: Studies in English Language and Teaching. Ed. by Jan Aarts, Inge de Mönnink and Herman Wekker. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 57 - 73.
-- 1998. "Dialogue in Instructional Texts." In: Proceedings /Anglistentag 1997, Giessen. Ed. by Raimund Borgmeier, Herbert Grabes and Andreas H. Jucker. Proceedings of the conference of the German Association of University Teachers of English 19. Trier: WVT, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier. 85 - 96.
--1999. “‘His name with laud and with dew honour rayse’. A text- and pragmalinguistic study of Thomas Morley’s Introduction to Practicall Musicke (1597).” In: Words, lexemes, concepts - approaches to the lexicon. Studies in honour of Leonhard Lipka. Ed. by Wolfgang Falkner and Hans-Jörg Schmid. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag, 235-246.
-- 2001. “Text Classes in Early English Newspapers”. European Journal of English Studies 5: 167-180.
-- 2002. “Letters in Early English Newspapers”. In: Of Dyuersitie & Chaunge of Language: Essays Presented to Manfred Görlach on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. Ed. Katja Lenz and Ruth Möhlig. Anglistische Forschungen 308. Heidelberg: C. Winter, 276-289.
-- 2002. “Studying – English linguistics – in Switzerland”. English Studies: Past – Present – Future. Ed. Wolfgang Zach. Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovac, 62-73.
-- 2006. “Death Notices: The Birth of a Genre”. In: Roberta Facchinetti and Matti Rissanen (eds.). Corpus-based Studies of Diachronic English. Bern: Peter Lang, 157-170.
-- 2006. "'Tis said, the Apostrophe, and the Importance of Innsbruck in early English Newspapers". In: Mair, Christian and Reinhard Heuberger (eds.). Corpora and the History of English. Papers Dedicated to Manfred Markus on the Occasion of His Sixty-Fifth Birthday. Heidelberg: Winter Universitätsverlag, 101 - 114.
Fries, Udo and Hans Martin Lehmann. 2006. “The Style of 18th-century English Newspapers. Lexical Diversity”. In: Nicholas Brownlees (ed.). News Discourse in Early Modern Britain. Selected Papers of CHINED 2004. Bern: Peter Lang, 91-104.
Fries, Udo and Gunnel Tottie. 1994. “Preface.” In: Creating and using English language corpora. Papers from the Fourteenth International Conference on English Language Research on Computational Corpora, Zurich 1993. ed. by Udo Fries, Gunnel Tottie, and Peter Schneider. Language and Computers: Studies in Practical Linguistics 13. Amsterdam: Rodopi, i-iii.
Fries, Udo and Jörg Hasler, ed. 1984. Anglistentag 1982 Zürich: Vorträge und Berichte. Giessen: Hoffmann.
Fries, Udo, ed. 1987. The Structure of Texts. SPELL 3, Swiss Papers in English Language and Literature. Tübingen: Gunter Narr.
Fries, Udo and Martin Heusser, ed. 1989. Meaning and Beyond: Ernst Leisi zum 70. Geburtstag. Tübingen: Gunter Narr.
Fries, Udo, Gunnel Tottie, and Peter Schneider, ed. 1994. Creating and using English language corpora. Papers from the Fourteenth International Conference on English Language Research on Computational Corpora, Zurich 1993. Language and Computers: Studies in Practical Linguistics 13. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Fries, Udo, Viviane Müller, and Peter Schneider, ed. 1997. From Ælfric to the New York Times. Studies in English Corpus Linguistics. Language and Computers: Studies in Practical Linguistics 19. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Fries, Udo et al. 1993. Hyperlinguistics. An Educational Hypertext for English Linguistics. vdf Verlag der Fachvereine der ETH Zentrum, Zürich.
Fries, Udo, Hans Martin Lehmann et al. 2004. ZEN: Zurich English Newspaper Corpus, Version 1.0. http://es-zen.unizh.ch/. Zürich. Univeristy of Zurich.