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English Department

Guest Lecture Simon Küffer (Hochschule der Künste, Bern)

Guest Lecture
The Rhetoric of Money in Rap

Better known for his stage name Tommy Vercetti, the Swiss rapper and researcher Simon Küffer will share insights from his PhD project “Geldschein – zur visuellen Rhetorik des Geldes” at the Hochschule der Künste (Bern). As a contribution to Ana Sobral’s seminar on Rap and Contemporary Culture, the discussion will focus on the prominent presence of money bills in rap music videos and album covers, with special attention to the work of Kendrick Lamar. The lecture will be in English.

Tuesday, October 31st
14.15-15.45h, PLH-E-5
(Plattenstr. 47)

All interested students, members of staff and other guests are cordially invited!
