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English Department

Zurich James Joyce Foundation: Guest Lecture Sam Slote (Trinity College, Dublin)

On behalf of the Zurich James Joyce Foundation, we would like to invite students, members of staff, and the general public to a guest lecture by Sam Slote (Trinity College, Dublin), entitled "All the Way from Gibraltar."

Sam Slote will look at how Joyce represented Gibraltar – a place he had never visited – by using some techniques he had learned and developed while writing Ulysses.

A professor at TCD, Sam Slote, has widely published on Joyce, with a focus on genetic studies. He is co-editor of volumes such as Genitricksling Joyce or How Joyce Wrote Finnegans Wake. The author of Joyce's Nietzschean Ethics, he has also written on Beckett, Nabokov, Woolf, Proust, Borges, Dante and Mallarmé. Slote's annotated edition of Ulysses was published in 2012.

Venue: Zurich James Joyce Foundation, Augustingergasse 9, 8001 Zurich

Time: Wednesday, October 3, 2018, 7.30 p.m.
