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English Department

Guest Lecture by Professor Susan Fitzmaurice (University of Sheffield, UK) "Sincerity in Eighteenth- century Politeness"

This guest lecture is hosted by the English Department and takes place as part of

Prof. Dr. Andreas H. Jucker’s lecture Politeness in 18th-century England.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018, 2.00 pm - 3.45 pm

Room PLH-1-105, Plattenstrasse 47, 8032 Zürich

Professors, students, and members of the general public are cordially invited.


Weiterführende Informationen

Flyer Guest Lecture Prof. Susan Fitzmaurice (University of Sheffeld, UK)

Flyer Guest Lecture Prof. Susan Fitzmaurice (University of Sheffeld, UK)