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English Department

Workshop mit Mithu Sanyal - Wie «Race», «Ethnicity» und «Diversity» an der Hochschule unterrichten?* Artist Talk Mithu Sandal and Elisabeth Bronfen "Wie über Identitäten sprechen"*

The Workshop with Mithu Sanyal on the topic race, ethnicity, and diversity in the context of academia will take place on:

Date: Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Time: 10:15-12:00
Location: KO2-F-152

In order to prepare for the workshop, please think about the following two questions in advance to help us feed your thoughts into the discussion:

  • Was sind eure Erfahrungen mit der Thematik von Race, Ethnicity und Diversity?
  • Was ist euer theoretischer Zugang zu dieser Thematik?

Please note that the workshop will be taking place in German. If you would like to join, please sign up with Prof. Bronfen at and consult the workshop flyer below. 

In addition to the workshop, there will also be an Artist Talk with Mithu Sanyal as part of the “Kulturanalyse Jetzt” lecture series, organised by the Studienprogramm Kulturanalyse. The event is open to all and will take place on:
Date: November 1, 2021
Time: 16:15-18:00 
Location: RAA-G-115
For more information on the lecture series, please consult the lecture flyer

*Covid 19 certificate requirement applies to both events.


Weiterführende Informationen

Workshop Mithu Sanyal - Artist Talk Mithu Sanyal and Elisabeth Bronfen

Workshop Mithu Sanyal - Artist Talk Mithu Sanyal and Elisabeth Bronfen