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English Department

INTRO TO RSTUDIO AND R MARKDOWN For open data and reproducibility COURSE by Mason A. Wirtz (University of Salzburg)


In this workshop, we explore the basics of R (a free, easy-tolearn programming language) and R Markdown for statistical analyses, data visualization and the production of easy-to read reports. The course is aimed at PhD and MA students who plan to work quantitatively, and is open to any interested faculty who wish to begin using or dig deeper in R and R Markdown. All parts of the workshop will include hands-on exercises. No prior programming experience is required.

During the workshop, participants will have time to use their own data, ask me questions and get feedback. If participants do not yet have data, data similar to a project of their choice will be simulated for them.

We will cover the following topics:

RStudio and how to use it
Importing data
Conditionals (e.g. if-else statements)
Data manipulation using the tidyverse
Data visualization using ggplot2
How to write and format reports using R Markdown
How to structure R projects in a manner that eases the
workflow when working quantitatively, but also facilitates
easy reproducibility of the analyses.


English (and/or German)


Please contact to register your

25th – 26th NOVEMBER 2022

Fri 13:00–17:00 and Sat 09:00–17:00


University of Zurich
Room Friday: KOL-G-212
Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich
Room Saturday: PLH 105
Plattenstrasse 47, 8032 Zürich

Max. capacity 25 persons


Weiterführende Informationen

INTRO TO RSTUDIO AND R MARKDOWN For open data and reproducibility

INTRO TO RSTUDIO AND R MARKDOWN For open data and reproducibility