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English Department

Job offer: Senior Assistantship in English Literary Studies 90 %

The English Department of the University of Zurich invites applications for a postdoctoral teaching and research position (Oberassistenz) in the field of English Literary Studies (British, North American and/or New Anglophone Literature and Culture) to start on 1 August 2024. This position is initially limited to three years, with the possibility of extension for a further three years. The position is open to candidates with a completed doctorate who are aiming for a Habilitation (or second book, the formal qualification for a professorship in the Swiss academic system).
Please submit your application with a curriculum vitae, copies of certificates (Matura, licentiate/Master's degree, possibly higher teaching degree, doctorate), a writing sample, the names and addresses of at least two references and a description of your research project as an integral PDF document by 16 February 2024.

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