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English Department Zurich in Anglophone Literatures

Sudhir Jain, "Isolde's Dream" (2007)

Jain Sadhir's "Isolde's Dream" tells the story of the love affair between the – married – composer Richard Wagner and Mathilde Wesendonck, herself a poet and author, as well as the wife of Wagner's Zurich patron Otto Wesendonck. The story is told from Mathilde's perspective.

Mathilde Wesendonck

Mathilde Wesendonck

Villa Wesendonck

Villa Wesendonck ('Green Hill')

Richard Wagner

Richard Wagner

Excerpt I: Planning the Villa Wesendonck (p. 184-185)


Excerpt II: The Look of a Revolutionary (p. 185-186)

Before meeting Richard Wagner, the Wesendoncks are told that "he was a member of the group that had tried to overthrow the king of Saxony and was now sheltering in Zurich" (185):


Excerpt III: The Wagners Move Closer (p. 208-209)


Weiterführende Informationen

Zurich in Anglophone Literatures

Zurich in Anglophone Literatures


Jain, Sudhir. "Isolde's Dream." Isolde's Dream and Other Stories. Calgary: Bayeux, 2007. 181-221.

Project Editor

Martin Mühlheim

UZH English Department, Plattenstrasse 47, CH-8032 Zürich, Switzerland
